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I am an aspiring Venture Capitalist who wants to be a financial representative for creative brands that show potential in contributing to international well-being. This platform publishes opinions, analyses, and reports that are in support of global commerce and interdependence between nations. This webpage was launched to continue, “Innovation vs Imitation” a thesis topic that began during my undergraduate studies in International Economics and Finance and East Asian Studies concentrated in Chinese. My work thus far shows evidence of China's ability to produce original designs that can compete with the fashion capitals of the world. The beginnings of my work involve a focus on fashion but as my journey continues I look forward to applying the approaches, formulas, and models to various corporations of creativity.  Whether in tech, media,  publishing, or production I can be of assistance to you going global in East Asian markets.







China is a salient source of trade operations; yet barriers, trade wars, and bilateral relationships with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) dominant presence are often misunderstood by a Western power. This page breaks down the complexities of trading creative goods and services within East Asia. Tune into my thesis repository, blog post, or Instagram content to gain an understanding of how we’re all connected components of you are connected to relations East Asian. I focus on covering the fashion and entertainment industries supported by private and public investment firms who make surfeit returns from exchanges internationally. I observe their social, political, and economical effects with the mission to help the public form a valid informed opinion of East Asian affairs by giving a closer glimpse of what lurks beneath the propaganda we see, presently. 


Fascinated by how money moves people and art inspires people to do the unthinkable, Victoria envisions and now explores quantitative and qualitative concepts that will connect the world to China. She envisions leveraging CRYPTOCURRENCY, to facilitate the distribution of soft powers globally. All of which can improve perspectives, social justice, and respect for all minorities.

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